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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

string dolls

coming out of school today and wandering over towards the opposite lesuire center i saw a new vending machine  selling strange things called string dolls i saw a girl from my school get one and her joy to find it looked like a ballenrina so i dug in my purse hoping for the best when i eventually found the right money i put it in the slot hoping for the best and the one i got washorrible it was yellow  and red with a button mouth so i thought i know im going to customize it. they are really cute and they can be found in shops aswell as vending machines and cost around £1 here are some pictures of dolls i found.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

oil based pens art

hi im really not sure if this even exists as a real craft but i think it is great alll you need to do is this:

take some oil based pns and draw a pattern onto fairly thick paper
soak in water easy let to dry easy or what and look at the results!!!!!!!!